
Monday, March 7, 2011

Runaway Leader

The runaway leader problem is one I've been thinking about for this game. There's a bit of an engine in the game, not as much as some, but getting points early in the game definitely makes it easier to get better equipment to get more points. Combine that with the "largest territory" bonus, which you probably scored a lot of points in the process of exploring, and we might run into that most dreaded of problems, knowing who has won before the end of the game.

I just listened to this Ludology podcast Episode 3 - Catch The Leader and it reminded me of a simple scoring track trick that helps people catch up. Our group has seen it in Galaxy Trucker. You make the scoring track only as large as one scoring token, then when you're taking your points, you skip over any spots that already have another player on them. That way players who are part of a pack, or just catching up to the pack, get to move a number of spaces for free.

Since the game has two scoring tracks, this will hopefully let them be smaller as well, if a little bit longer. We'll see how it plays.

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