
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Prototype Game Tactics

I'll be the first to admit that I am a very tactical player when it comes to board games. I find my day job provides enough intellectual challenge that when it comes to playing games I just want to have fun, not plan 5 moves ahead. But I've been having enough success at this game that we discussed today what it is I've been doing to win.
  1. Watch the Market. Sell when your tiles are near the top, but don't get too greedy and wait for them to be in the very top slot.
  2. Watch what the other players have. If nobody else has killed a big animal, hold onto yours as long as you can until someone does, then sell immediately.
  3. Buy only the equipment you need. This game is short, points are precious. (at this time an equipment card costs 3 points)
  4. Take calculated risks. When you have nothing to lose, charge after that bear with a club! When you've already bagged a kill but aren't ready to sell, maybe poaching a rabbit would be a better idea.
  5. Keep an eye on the end game scoring bonuses. They are currently over-valued :P
Of course these strategies will change as the rules are fine tuned. And luck does play a large part in the game, a good or bad roll at a critical moment can mean the difference between bagging that bear, or an inopportune death.

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