
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Notes from Twelfth Playtest

Playtest with 3 players fit easily during a lunch break (not worrying about time anymore, that issue is solved).

We tried this whole big experiment where we split the animals into "small game" and "large game". It may have worked ok mechanically, but doesn't make any sense with the theme.

Also, we're starting to pick apart why it is I seem to win every game by 20-30 points. We know the "bonus" points are too high, but there are definitely some strategies I was using, it's not entirely luck.

To Clarify:

  • Gatherer swapping - what if you didn't know what was on the spot? Starting to suspect this rule might cause more confusion than it's worth considering how rarely it comes up, but I'll see how it plays when there's more hidden information.
To Try Next:
  • Fix the animal Meat & Hide numbers (lower Bear, higher Bird)
  • When exploring keep more information hidden, don't reveal tiles that you leave behind on the board.
  • Weaker Atlatl - just +1 damage, no "to hit" bonus. It was too good a bear killer, and too rare.
  • Pouches are disposable. Once you sell what was in it, discard it.
To Try Later:
  • Lower point bonuses (maybe remove high score bonus entirely). Maybe try this next.
  • Animals might be sold for either Meat or Hide.
  • Free equipment! Maybe instead of buying equipment, you just get one card free every time you go to the market?

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